
18th Annual Yasukuni Jinja demonstration

On Sunday September the 17th, eight Aikido Meiryukan members ranging from junior high to university student accompanied Jim sensei to the 18th annual Yasukuni Jinja demonstration hosted by Tenshinsho Jigenryu heiho. Videos are up on YouTube!

Our participants were from 5 different clubs, hence we didn`t get to practice much. The day of the enbu was actually our first time having all the members together. First demo in almost 3 years,  kobudo demo with a different, but unique atmosphere, outside in the heat, and wood flooring and no tatami all made the experience the better. Great job done by all!
Thanks to Ueno Kagenori sensei from Tenshinsho Jigenryu for the invitation. Thanks to the Jigenryu members for preparations and hosting such an event. Thanks to all the other kenjutsu, karate and various kobudo groups for their energy, knowledge and camaraderie. Thanks to the parents, guests and spectators. It was an experience we will cherish.

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