
Saturday and Wednesday

Saturday in Nagareyama the kids and adults trained together for the second class. We first did shomen uchi sankajo osae ni, then suwari waza shomen uchi ikkajo osae ni, anf finished with shomen uchi shomen iriminage.

Mixed classes are a great way to work on fitting with our partner. The big stiff adults need to soften up, while the kids need more power and bigger movements to make things work.

Today in the first class at Noda Shunpukan dojo we went through the basic warms ups of kamae, seiza-ho, shikko-ho, and forward ukemi.

After that, we spent about 10 minutes on proper back breakfalls, followed by another 10 mins. of tai no henko ichi, then into the technique of the day, katate mochi sokumen iriminage ichi.

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