
夏期特別講習会 Summer seminar

On Saturday, July 6th at the Kasukabe Budojo we held a 講習会 summer seminar in place of the usual 暑中稽古 summer training.

We were fortunate to have decent, at least bareable weather, that being low 30`s instead of high 30`s. 

About 45 people, both Meiryukan members and guests joined throughout the half day.

The overall theme of the training was つながり "Connection". An obvious important, but unfortunately often forgotten part of aikido practice.

The first class, taught by Jim sensei was for kids only. We went through kaiten dosa, kaiten dosa renzoku, kaiten nage, ikkajonage. 

The 2nd class was a mixed kids and adults class on jiyuwaza. We didn`t just do an hour of free style. We worked on staying relaxed, yet focused while keeping connection between techniques.

The 3rd class, taught by Inoue sensei, was on basic techniques. The starting movement of both tai no henko ichi/sokumen iriminage ichi.

Then on to katate mochi nikajo osae ichi and some fun with shihonage.

After a short lunch break, Jim sensei taugh the final class. This class was just for adults brown belt and up. We went through a tonne of kendori. From basic suburi to different ukemi, into disarming and then continued jiyu waza.

Thanks to all who showed up. Next up Autumn gasshuku?!

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