Hips down, big turns, proper uke, use of the knees, making space, and throwing with our body not hands.

Hip direction, big movements, not rushing the grab, pulling up the back foot, weight down and correct posture for the pin.
Raising of the hand, grabbing while we turn, throat height, shifting our weight while keeping our hips on our heels, concentrated throw.
Timing of the strike and coming up on our toes, not pushing away but instead riding our weight, focusing on our partners shoulder, eyeline.
suwari waza shomen uchi shomen iriminage ichi in Kazo.
Striking straight forward, guiding not pushing, hips are down, up, then down, not raising the elbow during the throw.
shomen uchi sankajo osae ni in Sakado.
Sliding to the fingers before raising up, using the hand on the elbow as well, correct posture while pivoting, not losing connection while cutting down and stepping back, riding our weight to take balance.
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