
Warming up

A few random pics from here and there the past week at Meiryukan

To the left is the weapons class which is held twice a month on Wednesday mornings at the Kasukabe budokan. We work on ken and jo basics and their relation to open hand techniques.

To the right we have the Aikido Meiryukan Sakado Sunday class. 

A fresh atmoshpere due to a few new students who have recently moved up from the junior class.

The kids class in Noda is always progressing. It is almost time to send a few more from the juinior class up to the advanced class.
To the right is the Saturday afternoon class in Fukiage. A central location always filled with visitors from surrounding Meiryukan clubs such as Sakado, Kazo, and Saitama.

Note* Spring trial lessons throughout May in Noda and Kasukabe. Check the HP for details.

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