
Thoughts on testing

Just a reminder - before you even start to think about your next grading, make sure you are confident with previously required syllabus. 

If a technique or kihon dosa is called out that you should know and be able to do well, but have completely forgotten, no point moving on and working on new techniques.

Think of everything you learn as an endless set, all things are related to eachother and learnt and taught in a specific order for a reason.

The points you learn from kamae are the same for kihon dosa, those points are then used in basic techniques, from there into jiyuwaza, then back around full circle...

There is no hurry to test, it never ends. You will never be perfect, you will never know everything, the learning is for a lifetime. 

That is what makes it fun, that is the challenge, that is what should keep you going, not just certificates and belts.


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